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Blue Skies and Yellow Fields


Return to your real self


Our nervous system will choose a familiar hell over an unfamiliar heaven.

Our beliefs (conscious or subconscious), nervous system = how we react.

It's not set in stone, 
and most of it is conditioned in there before the age of 8.

Investing in cleaning out the closets of your internal world is the key to changing your energy + consciousness + emotional wellbeing.

And it's all possible...if you're simply willing to look.

Does this sound like you?

* You procrastinate or resist taking action with something you KNOW you want.

* You doubt yourself...feel unworthy.

* You're hard on yourself.

* You have trouble receiving.


* You don't know why you feel the way you do about some things, but it holds you back?


* You feel alone and separate.  

You've come to the right place.


Since 2017, I’ve had a private practice working with people in healing emotional triggers, inherited ancestral trauma, and childhood trauma.   


It’s my passion and mission to help people liberate themselves from the past and return home to their REAL Self.  We are children of the Universe.  I deeply believe in the power of the Mind + Spirit and healing on every level.  There is no limit to healing and creation when one is willing.

Some other facts:

I’m also a trainer at Mindlight, the emotional training company, and was certified as a Trauma & Human Potential Practitioner, Family Constellations Facilitator, and Stages Internat'l Development Coaching. 


I’m a student of A Course in Miracles and Vipassana Meditation, and LOVE Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Meditation Work.   We live in a world of limitless possibilities.


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FREE video how-to on:

"Getting relief from triggers"

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