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National Flower


Return to your real self


Our nervous system will choose a familiar hell over an unfamiliar heaven.

This can be shifted when you free up your nervous system + mind's habit patterns.

As you open up, 
and allow that Universal wisdom that we're all connected to, to come in,
life begins to transform. 


Your inner world is reflected in your outer world.​  Everything is for the healing of our minds.

And it's all possible...if you're willing.

Does this sound like you?

* You resist moving forward with things you know you want.

* You doubt yourself...feel unworthy..stuck.
* Triggers, fears get in the way...

The list goes on and on...

Our dominant emotions and beliefs create and attract the reality we're experiencing.

This is not a new concept.   It's in all psychology and universal spiritual teachings.  

We can shift it way more easily than we think, but it does take commitment and we need to be willing.


You weren't born to stay in a role or feel unworthy or triggered.

Others aren't more special.

You are a spiritual being having a human experience in the world of cause and effect.  

And it's time to get back into the driver's seat.


Since 2017, I’ve had a private practice working with people in healing emotional triggers, inherited ancestral trauma, and freeing the nervous system from childhood trauma.   


It’s my passion and mission to help people get relief  and return home to their REAL be fully alive and aligned to what they came here for.


 I deeply believe in the power of the Mind + Spirit and healing on every level.  There is no limit to healing and creation when one is willing.

Some other facts:

I’m also a trainer at Mindlight, the emotional training company, Family Constellations Facilitator, and Development Coach, and a student of A Course in Miracles, Vipassana, and other Universal Teachings. 


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FREE video how-to on:

"Getting relief from triggers"

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